Bitrounding and Compress

Todo: Generate MPIM usecases:

  • for domains:
    1. [✓ hernan.campos, 2022-09-20]Ocean: add link to notebook
    2. [✓ hernan.campos, 2022-09-20]Land: add link to notebook
    3. [✓ ann-kristin.naumann, 2024-03-13]Atmosphere: add link to notebook
    4. [✓ hernan.campos, 2022-09-20]Ocean Biogeochemistry: add link to notebook
  • with shared analysis notebooks
  • using aligned, fair & comparable file size benchmarks
  • Answering questions:
    1. Which analysis doesn't work after bitrounding?
    2. What are general recommendations for bitrounding? i.e. inflevel=99.99%?