This method uses Dask to make the distribution easier. There are three basic scripts here. Two bash scripts reserve computing resources in MISTRAL, and the main script contains the parallelised code. The mind behind this method is Pavan Siligam from DKRZ.

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The first script initialises a process that manages the resources. You initialise the job in MISTRAL with a script similar to the next template.
#SBATCH --account=yy0000
#SBATCH --job-name=dask-scheduler-test
#SBATCH --workdir=/scratch/x/x000000/dask-work/test
#SBATCH --output=/scratch/x/x000000/dask-work/test/LOG_dask.%j.o
#SBATCH --error=/scratch/x/x000000/dask-work/test/LOG_dask.%j.o
#SBATCH --time=08:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=yyy
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
module purge
export PATH=/work/yy0000/x000000/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
conda activate glamdring
srun dask-scheduler --scheduler-file /scratch/x/x000000/dask-work/test/scheduler_test.json

The line before the srun command adds the binaries of a base miniconda distribution to the front of the path and then loads a given conda environment (here named glamdring). If you are not using a custom miniconda distribution, you should use the necessary module invocations, or any other code, and set the proper environment. The srun command executes the dask-scheduler script to create the scheduler node and stores its location in the file given after the option –scheduler-file. To run the script, you only need to issue.


NB: You should create manually in your scratch space the directory dask-work. This is where all the logs will be stored. I strongly recommend that inside dask-work you further create a directory for each project, such as test directory. Having this structure will allow you to better debug any problems with your scripts.

The second script initialises several processes called workers. As the name suggests, they are the processes that execute the tasks effectively.
#SBATCH --account=yy0000
#SBATCH --job-name=dask-worker-test
#SBATCH --workdir=/scratch/x/x000000/dask-work/test
#SBATCH --output=/scratch/x/x000000/dask-work/test/LOG_dask.%j.o
#SBATCH --error=/scratch/x/x000000/dask-work/test/LOG_dask.%j.o
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
#SBATCH --partition=compute2
#SBATCH --nodes=8
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
module purge
export PATH=/work/yy0000/x000000/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
conda activate glamdring
srun dask-worker --scheduler-file /scratch/x/x000000/dask-work/test/scheduler_test.json

In analogy to the scheduler case, the lines before the srun command should be used to set the proper environment for the workers. Now, the srun command executes the dask-worker script to create the worker processes. The option –scheduler-file gives the path to the scheduler file created with the successful execution of the first script. The result is that all the worker processes connect to the scheduler node.

The importance of this script is not in the srun command but in the environment and the SBATCH preamble. How you set the environment arranges the available software and the Python version in each worker. The SBATCH preamble will determine the resources that you reserve and how do you assign them to the workers. In this case, I reserve eight nodes in compute2 partition for five minutes (40 node-minutes), with a worker running in each node. SBATCH parameters allow for a more detailed request. Even you can make a script for each worker with different resources. Here is a more advanced topic. Someone else can comment on it and show a minimal working example. Once the is running in MISTRAL, you can request to set up the workers by issuing.


When they are running in the cluster, you can use the resources in your Python script. Just read the next sections.

Apart from other packages, you should import the Client class from the dask.distributed module and the subprocess module.

import subprocess as sp
from dask.distributed import Client

With the Client class you can initialise a connection to the scheduler and make available the reserved resources with the following lines. The subprocess module allows you to kill the processes in the cluster once we ended our calculations, in case you overestimated the reserved time. The exact code to connect to the resources is


The second line prints some information about the scheduler and the workers, as well as the total reserved memory. Now, your script has access to the resources. The next step is to run your desired code.

I present a minimal working example to show what is the methodology to parallelise. The problem is the matrix multiplication of a matrix A with eight columns and eight rows and a column vector v with eight components. We want to compute Av

For the sake of the example, we use a random matrix. I assume that numpy package has been imported.


Matrix multiplication will result in another column vector of eight elements, that come from the “dot product” of each row of the matrix with the vector v. Then each “dot product” can be done at the same time, that is, in parallel. In other words, we can calculate each of the eight components of the result independently of any of the other components. The elemental calculation for the first component of the result will be


Where I used the operator * which multiplies the vectors component-wise. If I would not have that operator, then the elemental process should be

for j in range(v.size):

For-loops are slow. Then the real elemental process is the multiplication of components. Then we define a helper function.

def first_multip(j):
 return A[0,j]*v[j]

or, in a general setting

def multip(mat_elem,vec_elem):
 return mat_elem*vec_elem

Then the elemental process will be: multiply every element of the matrix by the corresponding component of the vector and then sum over rows to get the eight components of the result.

def multip(mat_elem,vec_elem):
 return mat_elem*vec_elem
task_multiply_sum=[ client.submit(sum,[ client.submit(multip,A[i,j],v[j]) for j in range(A.shape[1]) ]) for i in range(A.shape[0]) ]
result=np.array([task_multiply_sum[i].result() for i in range(A.shape[0])])

Here the code has two lines. First, in the task_multiply_sum variable, I send the elemental calculations to the cluster with the help of the submit method. This method has as first argument the name of the function to be applied. The following arguments are the arguments for the function. Then I say to the scheduler that, when the results of a row are ready, it should sum all of them (submit method with the function sum). Everything is done in the cluster workers and not in the script namespace. The second line gathers the final results from the cluster by issuing the result method on each component of the task_multiply_sum list.

Once the computation concludes, I disconnect from the cluster and confirm this by printing the client information


and then, with the following code, you can kill the processes in the cluster

command=["scancel","-u","m300556","--name","dask-workers-test"],check=True) # First kill workers
command=["scancel","-u","m300556","--name","dask-scheduler-test"],check=True) # Then the scheduler

We can check the result of the multiplication with the following lines,v)

the first line makes the multiplication directly, the second checks the results element-wise. In the last two lines, I print out both resulting vectors. NB: In my tests, I found that the element-wise comparison shows that some vector components are different. When you inspect them visually in the printouts, the elements are equal in both vectors, but when you look at the full representations of the numbers, you can see that some digits are different at the end of the numbers (Perhaps it is a consequence of how numpy operates on floats).

The advantage in speed of this MWE is not evident since the problem is not large enough. With larger matrix dimensions we should see the difference. But for other tasks, the performance improvement should be apparent (as in the postprocessing of experiment output).

The code for the MWE is
import numpy as np
import subprocess as sp
from dask.distributed import Client
# 0. Preparation
                              '/scheduler_test.json'))                          # Connect to the reserved resources.
print(client)                                                                   # Print out information about the resources.
A=np.random.rand(8,8)                                                           # Define the matrix and the vector.
def multip(mat_elem,vec_elem):                                                  # Helper function.
 return mat_elem*vec_elem
# 1. Parallel calculation
task_multiply_sum=[ client.submit(sum,[ client.submit(multip,A[i,j],v[j]) for j in range(A.shape[1]) ]) for i in range(A.shape[0]) ]
result=np.array([task_multiply_sum[i].result() for i in range(A.shape[0])])     # This gathers the results.
# 2. Disconnection from the cluster resources
client.close()                                                                  # Disconnect the scheduler.
print(client)                                                                   # Shows information to verify the disconnection.
command=["scancel","-u","m300556","--name","dask-workers-test"],check=True)                                                      # First kill workers
command=["scancel","-u","m300556","--name","dask-scheduler-test"],check=True)                                                      # Then the scheduler
# 3. Check the results against an established library,v)                                                          # Use to perform the matrix multiplication.
print(result==alt_result)                                                       # Print comparison.
print(result)                                                                   # Print out both vectors.

NB: The method also works for jupyter notebooks without any issue.