There are several pre defined experiments available in the run-directory, listed as exp.<experiment-name>
To generate a run script for one of these experiments do
./make_runscripts <experiment-name>
Be careful not to forget experiment-name. make_runscripts will generate all possible runscripts otherwise. make_runscripts only works after configuring the model, as it needs the proper information of the compiler used.
The resulting runscript exp.<experiment-name>.run
, for some experiments also a postprocessing script post.<experiment-name>.run
, will be stored in the run-directory and might need additional editing.
In general and to simplify collaboration it is an established way to copy a given script according to our personalized naming convention, see List of IDs.
Example: Run the script as developer abc on Levante:
Copy the exp.amip experiment-template to your personal experiment-id:
cp run/exp.aes_amip run/exp.abc0001 ./make_runscripts abc0001 cd run
Edit the file and change the model settings (account e.g. mh0287):
#SBATCH --account=mpiaes to #SBATCH --account=mh0287
#SBATCH --nodes=1 to #SBATCH --nodes=100
This number of notes fit for the default setting of the script, which is R2B8 resolution.
Submit the job:
You can check the status of your jobs with:
squeue -u <user>
Results will be written to icon-mpim/experiments/abc0001
In case you want to run one month of this experiment in R2B8 you have to adapt the run time in the run script: Set the run time of the job to at least 5 hours, also depending on your amount of output:
#SBATCH --time=05:00:00
— Monika Esch 2024/08/19 12:19