To close the gap on rain size distribution and velocity we installed 2017 a disdrometer at the BCO. The instrument was an Eigenbrodt ODM470. As we had several problems with the instrument and the data we stopped operation in 2022.
In 2023 we installed a new disdrometer OTT Parsivel2 (we also installed 2 of these disdrometer on board of the RV Meteor for the BOWTIE-campaign in 2024). As this unit is not rotating into the wind we installed it facing to the main wind direction (Friedels estimation….).
The unit is running with a temporal resolution of 1 min with these variables: Date | Time | Rain Intensity (mm/h) | Rain amount accumulated (mm) | Weather Code | Radar Reflectivity (dBz) | MOR visibility (m) | Sample Interval (s) | Signal amplitude | Number of particles | Temperatur housing (DegC) | Sensor serial number | Firmware IOP | Heating current (A) | Power supply voltage (V) | Sensor status | Station name | Rain amount abs. (mm) | Error Code | Field N VED (log10(1/m3mm)) | Field v (m/s) | Raw data (1-32 number particles 1.class, 33-64 number particles 2.class, …)