Using Buildbot

To use buildbot please follow the instructions on the following gitlab wiki page:

Step by step guide to generate new references

1) Start the builders you want to generate references for from gitlab with runBB(machines;tolerance | update | tolerance-update | oes-ref) depending on your needs, e.g. runBB(daint;tolerance)

2) Wait for the job to finish and open one of the refgen_<experiment> files (e.g. pp.refgen_atm_qubicc_nc_test). Look for the section in the log where the reference data is stored and copy the hash:

storing reference stats_atm_qubicc_nc_test_ref.csv to /users/icontest/pool/data/ICON/buildbot_data/ref/2022-08-02.icon-aes.34c38fd338fd/daint_cpu_nvidia/reference/atm_qubicc_nc_test.csv

3) Paste this hash into the respective script in ICON:

- sole content of run/tolerance_reference for the tolerance test

- reference_dir variable in run/checksuite.icon-dev/check.atm_amip_update for the update test

The “Step by step guide” is an excerpt from the detailed description written by Remo Dietlicher (meteoswiss), see

Monika Esch 2022/08/18 08:35