This documentation helps you to:
To start a ICON simulation with Holocene conditions you have to download the ICON binaries for ICON-NWP, especially icon-2.5.0-rc-orbit. A detailed description on how to start with ICON can be found in the ICON quick start guide.
git clone --recursive icon-2.5.0-rc-orbit cd icon-2.5.0-rc-orbit patch -p1 < patch-async_latbc_finalize.txt cd externals/jsbach patch -p1 ../../patch-jsbach_orbit.txt cd ../.. ./configure --with-fortran=intel17 --with-openmp ./build_command
The last step is to create the runscripts. To do so, you need the name of an experimental descriptor file in ./run. In case of the holocene simulations these are:
exp.holocene_spinup exp.holocene_nested
In your icon-directory execute:
./make_runscripts holocene_spinup ./make_runscripts holocene_nested
In the following it will be explained how to start the 30-year spin up simulation or in general - how to force ICON with ECHAM initial and boundary data.
To run a ICON simulation you need:
The grid file(s) can be created either with the DWD online grid generator. The grids from this source were unfortunately connected to problems preforming nesting simulations. The better way is to create the grids with the grid generator you can compile on mistral. How to download the GridGenerator can be found in the ICON quick start guide. The setup to create the grids for the Holocene Simulations:
The external parameters need to be created seperately. For this you can ask Daniel Klocke from DWD.
To prepare the boundary data, you need to install the DWD icontools. These are needed to remap the boundary data to the boundary frame grid. Check also the ICON quick start guide on this under “How to?”.
git clone
There is a detailed documentation on the DWD ICON tools which you can find in your icontools directory:
dwd_icon_tools/doc/icontools doc.pdf.
The boundary data are necessary to run limited area simulations. In our case they are red 6-hourly from ICON. We want to use ECHAM data to create the boundary files.
In the List of Simulations you find the paths to all conducted holocene simulations and their output. We use the slo0021a run. ICON needs the boundary data files for each time step seperately. The following steps help you to prepare the boundary data:
1. convert grib to nc and convert echam code numbers to variable names
cdo -f nc -t echam copy infile file1
2. convert spectral to grid-point grid: needed because ECHAM is a spectral grid model
cdo sp2gp file1 file2
3. use the afterburner to get the vertical velocity from u and v
cdo after file2 file3 <<EON
CODE=131,132,135 TYPE=20
4. extract only the needed variables for the boundary data
ncks -v hyai,hyam,hybi,hybm,lev,t,tsw,aps,q,xi,xl,tsurf,geosp,var131,var132,var135 file3 file4
5. step in between (not necessary) and rename the variables: you can do this step directly in the script for mapping the boundary data to the boundary frame grid
cdo chname,var131,U -chname,var132,V -chname,var135,OMEGA -chname,tsw,SST -chname,aps,PS -chname,q,QV -chname,t,T -chname,xi,QI -chname,xl,QC -chname,geosp,GEOSP file4 file5
6. because there were problems with the time axis in ICON do:
cdo -a setcalendar,standard file5 file6 ncatted -a units,time,m,c,day as %Y%m%d.%f file6 file7
With the following script you can split the yearly files into one-time step nc-files and seperate the needed variables:
The variables which are needed are : U, V, W, PS, T, SST, GEOSP, QC, QI, QV
Because of the high time resolution the boundary data are needed, it is useful to minimize the file size. Therefore we map the boundary data on a boundary frame grid. To do so, we use the DWD ICON tools. Here is a setup of the script:
The script can be found under the following path: /work/mh0731/m300674/ICON/boundary_data/xce_remap_lbc_ECHAM
In all of the scripts you have to adjust the paths to your own directories and you can adjust variable names, attributes etc.
The initial file for the Holocene simulation consists of data from the ECHAM holocene Data, IFS data and some variables which are set to zero. You can use your first boundary file, before you remapped it onto the boundary frame. Because there are no variables for soil moisture in the ECHAM data (as they are needed in ICON) we use IFS data for the soil initialization. Variables you need to extract from an IFS file: SMIL1, SMIL2, SMIL3, SMIL4, STL1, STL2, STL3, STL4, SKT, CI, LSM. Variables you can set to zero are mainly ice and snow variables, which can be neglected in our domain: W_SNOW, T_SNOW, W_I. RHO_SNOW
Do not forget to adjust the time axis to be identical in all files
You already prepared the grids and external parameters, as well as the boundary data. The latter are needed for the coarsest resolution only. The higher resolution domains are forced by the coarser ones respectively. First, you should check when the soil moisture equilibrates and chose a date to start the nesting simulation after that point. The first-guess file need to be remapped to all of your domains.
The nested simulation will be initialized from first guess variables. You can write out these variables using “group:dwd_fg_atm_vars”,“group:dwd_fg_sfc_vars” in your output_nml.
You have to write out only the one instant time step from which you want to start your nesting simulation
Create the runscript for the nesting simulation mentioned above. With this you can start the nested Holocene simulations easily.