Table of Contents

Tips and Tricks

Useful GIT-Tools and Commands

Useful Git-Tools

Path on mistral: /sw/rhel6-x64/vcs/tig-2.2.1/bin/tig

   Path on workstations: /usr/bin/tig
   short blog entry:
   cheat sheet:
   (Thanks to Ralf Mueller)

Useful Git Commands

git checkout 89aa38fc

You may have to “git submodule update” again. Looking at the status the first line of the message will be

HEAD detached at 89aa38f

This, of course, only works for hash tag inside your cloned repository, e.g. icon-aes.git.

git checkout -b my_new_branch 89aa38fc

git branch -d my_new_branch

git cherry-pick 3020e317..9b9d68c8 origin/icon-aes-other-branch

Extend your prompt with the current branch

If the directory does not exist

mkdir -p $HOME/.config/git

change to

cd $HOME/.config/git

and copy


edit $HOME/.bashrc; add

if [[ -f $HOME/.config/git/ ]]
    source $HOME/.config/git/
    export -f __git_ps1
export PS1='\[\e[32m\]\u@\h$(__git_ps1 "\[\e[36m\](%s)\[\e[0m\]")%\[\e[38m\] \[\e[0m\]'

gives a prompt of the following form inside of a git repository

userid@hostname(git branch)%



else. (Hint: Try zsh with a good preconfigured .zshrc like wget -O .zshrc . Gives you tab completion for most git operations, remote (scp) autocompletion, and a lot more.)

*Copy of Notes on GIT

Add the current repository- and branch name to the commit message automatically

This needs to be applied by each developer. The tool of choice are the Git hooks. Hooks are scripts executed at a certain point of the Git workflow. They can be written in any language your shell supports. In this case we are interested in executing a script on the client side before we commit. We have in our repository’s .git/hooks folder a set of examples, which you should ignore! Copy the following script

#! /bin/bash

# Just do nothing if there is a header already
expr "`head -1 $1`" : '[[:space:]]*\(\[[^]]*\]\)' > /dev/null && exit

# Prepend header with repo and branch name to current message
branch_name=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
repo_name=$(git config --get remote.origin.url | perl -pe 's/.*:(.*)\.git/$1/')
header=$(echo "$repo_name $branch_name" | awk '{ printf "[%s:%s]", $1, $2 }')
echo "$header $(cat $1)" > $1

into the .git/hooks folder and call the file prepare-commit-msg. Make it executable:

chmod +x .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg

Every commit will automatically add

[your_origin repository name:your branch name] 



to the commit message.

In case you have several cloned repositories, you may move the script to a common directory to hold the hooks for all your repositories:

mkdir -p $HOME/.config/git/hooks
mv .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg $HOME/.config/git/hooks
git config --global core.hooksPath $HOME/.config/git/hooks

If you do not want a common hook directory, you will have to add the script to every .git/hooks directory. In this case it still helps to copy the file prepare-commit-msg to a central place and simply copy it to the different clones.

Note that with the common directory in core.hooksPath, any remaining .git/hooks within your repositories will be ignored. If you need special hooks for some repository, you may add a fallback to .git/hooks by adding the following lines between the first and the second line of the common hook script:

# Check for local hook
hook_name=$(basename $0)
[ -x $local_hook_name ] && exec $local_hook_name "$@"

*Copy of Cookbook

Seven rules of a great commit message

  1. separate subject from body with a blank line,
  2. limit the subject line to 50 characters,
  3. capitalize the subject line,
  4. do not end the subject line with a period,
  5. use the imperative mood in the subject line,
  6. wrap the body at 72 characters, and
  7. use the body to explain what and why versus how.

*Copy of Notes on GIT

Monika Esch 2020/10/26 16:32Karl-Hermann Wieners 2022/04/20 13:00