=== Using git === For information on how to use git see https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/icon/wiki/Notes_on_Git Further down on this page you'll find a more general introduction https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/icon/wiki/Notes_on_Git#Information-on-general-Git-and-specific-ICON-Git-usage Some reference to information on git, e.g. https://git-scm.com/ === Useful git-tools === == gitk == == tig: == Path on mistral: /sw/rhel6-x64/vcs/tig-2.2.1/bin/tig\\ Path on workstations: /usr/bin/tig\\ short blog entry: https://www.atlassian.com/blog/git/git-tig\\ cheat sheet: http://ricostacruz.com/cheatsheets/tig.html\\ manual: http://jonas.nitro.dk/tig/manual.html\\ (Thanks to Ralf Mueller) === Useful git commands === Cloning the repository, including initialization of submodules: git clone --recursive git@gitlab.dkrz.de:icon/icon-mpim.git Check your status git status Check the latest commits git log List all available branches in your repository git branch -a Checkout an existing branch git checkout Checkout a new branch (take care for the naming convention of branches) git checkout -b Update your (local) repository git fetch --all Commit your changes - check your status and add your changes git add my-file git add my-modified-file - commit your changes including your commit message git commit -m "[icon-mpim:mybranch] merge my latest changes into mybranch" - commit your changes, followed by opening an editor for your commit message git commit - publish your changes git push Checkout a version with a special hash tag: git checkout 89aa38fc You may have to "git submodule update" again. Looking at the status the first line of the message will be HEAD detached at 89aa38f This, of course, only works for hash tag inside your cloned repository, e.g. icon-mpim.git. Checkout a new branch and branch off from a special hash tag (take care for the naming convention of branches): git checkout -b my_new_branch 89aa38fc Delete a (local) branch git branch -d my_new_branch Cherry-picking a range of commits git cherry-pick 3020e317..9b9d68c8 origin/icon-mpim-other-branch ---- --- //[[monika.esch@mpimet.mpg.de|Monika Esch]] 2022/11/09 10:05//