====== How to? ====== * If you want to run ICON with climate physics, please read: [[http://www.mpimet.mpg.de/fileadmin/staff/rastsebastian/icon_lecture_2017.pdf]].\\ * If you want to use ICON-NWP or ICON-ART, please read: [[https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/attachments/19568/ICON_tutorial_2019.pdf]].\\ * [[models:pot-pourri:how_to:icon_quick_start_guide|ICON quick start guide]] provides information on how to get and compile the code, prepare input data, and run the simulation for the example of the LEM configuration.\\ * [[models:pot-pourri:how_to:holocene|ICON holocene simulations]] provides information on how to run a simulation forced with Holocene conditions and how to run a high-resolution nesting simulation.\\ Contents of this Namespace: {{indexmenu>.|navbar tsort nsort}}