===== Developing code for ICON ===== [[models:icon:development:necessary_conditions_to_merge_a_branch_back_to_master|How to merge a branch back to icon-mpim:master]] documents how to merge your changes back to mpim master. However before embarking on this procedure please clarify with your supervisor if the proposed developments are desired. ==== Working on your own feature branch ==== === 1) In case you do not have the repository at all === git clone --recursive git@gitlab.dkrz.de:icon/icon-mpim.git cd icon-mpim You are now automatically on 'master', which is our main development branch and serves as reference. Checkout a new ( feature-/bugfix- ) branch git checkout -b feature- **In case the feature branch already exists you have to skip the -b!** to simply change into the branch Use the status command to check your status git status The result should look like On branch feature- nothing to commit, working directory clean === 2) Start doing your changes.... === ...use "git add/rm ..." to update what will be committed -> your files will be staged Check again with git status === 3) Commit your changes === git commit The commit message has should be some useful information regarding your commit. === 4) Publish your local branch: === git push origin feature- === 5) Publish your local branch with a different name in our repository: === git push origin feature-:feature--test001 So this is like pushing your actual branch to an intermediate copy of your actual branch. This is necessary for further rebasing of your local feature branch with icon-mpim:master and has some more advantages: * you can check this version of your branch with buildbot independent of further changes in your local copy * you have a copy of this state of work * you can run test experiments with a fixed version of your development === 6) Update your (local) branch with master regularly: === **Be aware this might change your results** if results of the main branch are changed. Discuss with your supervisor if this is useful and/or necessary for your further work! First you have to add all changes done in the central icon-mpim.git repository to your local copy git fetch --all Then you have to rebase your changes to icon-mpim:master. This might lead to conflicts, as the work on icon-mpim:master is ongoing. It might also lead to differences in the output (see above)! git rebase origin/master Make changes and commit as in 3) and 4). "Publish" your local branch with a new different name in our central repository, for testing or storage, e.g.: git push origin feature-:feature--test002 ---- --- //[[monika.esch@mpimet.mpg.de|Monika Esch]] 2024/08/21 15:07//