==== Ruby Potpourri ==== Here we collect a potpourri of best practices related to monitoring and evaluation of the Ruby Models. === Gather data === Sometimes small scripts can be very helpful to gather data from observations, reanalyses or models. Some useful ones are provided here, hopefully with intuitive names: * [[https://github.com/diegojco/auto_quickplots|Quick plots for advanced monitoring of MPI-ESM]] * [[https://gitlab.dkrz.de/m300265/MPI-ESM-GE/tree/master/gather_variable|Gather variables from the MPI-ESM Grand Ensemble]] * [[https://github.com/diegojco/CMIP5_ESGF_downloads|Generate automated queries to ESGF for CMIP5 output]] === Mask coastline === This NCL script creates a NetCDF file with a coast-following mask for the ocean. The user can choose a distance. Every ocean grid cell that is within this distance from the coast will get the value 1, everything else will be missing values. The script uses a number of nested loops and is therefore not very efficient, but because it most likely will only run once to create a mask file, efficiency is not of major importance in this case. If you are only interested in a small area, use only this area as an input for the script to reduce computational cost and thus runtime. * [[https://gitlab.dkrz.de/snippets/6|mask_coastal_region.ncl]]