#!/bin/bash # ===== SLURM settings ======================================================== #SBATCH --account=bm0682 #SBATCH --job-name=inidata.run #SBATCH --partition=compute2 #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --threads-per-core=2 #SBATCH --output=LOG.inidata.run.%j.o #SBATCH --error=LOG.inidata.run.%j.o #SBATCH --exclusive #SBATCH --time=00:30:00 #============================================================================= set -x #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # openmp environment variables # ---------------------------- export OMP_NUM_THREADS=6 export ICON_THREADS=6 export OMP_SCHEDULE=dynamic,1 export OMP_DYNAMIC="false" export OMP_STACKSIZE=4096M #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MPI variables # ---------------------------- mpi_root=/sw/rhel6-x64/intel/impi/ no_of_nodes=${SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES:-1} mpi_procs_pernode=6 mpi_total_procs=$((no_of_nodes * mpi_procs_pernode)) START="srun --kill-on-bad-exit=1 --nodes=${SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES:-1} --ntasks-per-node=${mpi_procs_pernode}" # load modules module purge # module load intelmpi/2018.0.128 intel/18.0.0 gcc/7.1.0 module load intel gcc module list ulimit -s unlimited # ===== load other modules ==================================================== module load nco module load cdo #============================================================================= # ===== directory and file name settings ====================================== # all names of intermediate, temporary files contain ${SLURM_JOB_ID} to avoid # accidentally overwriting the intermediate files of another job BINDIR=/work/mh0731/m300382/dwd_icon_tools_git/icontools SCRATCHDIR=/scratch/m/m300382 OUTDIR=/work/mh0731/m300382/tornado_dolo # INPUT FILE INFILE_COSMO=/work/mh0731/m300382/tornado_dolo/pamore/smi/laf2015070806.nc # OUTPUT FILE # /work/bm0834/k203095/pool/GRIDS/HDCP_FINAL_4/hdcp2_cosmodom_R0625m.nc # /work/bm0834/k203095/pool/GRIDS/HDCP_FINAL_4/hdcp2_cosmodom_nest_R0312m.nc # /work/bm0834/k203095/pool/GRIDS/HDCP_FINAL_4/hdcp2_cosmodom_nest_R0156m.nc OUTGRIDFILE=/work/mh0731/m300382/tornado_dolo/tornado_parent0622m.nc OUTFILE=${OUTDIR}/init_tornado_parent622m_2015070806.nc # ====== check files ========================================================== for file in ${INFILE_COSMO} ${OUTGRIDFILE}; do if [ ! -f ${file} ]; then echo "${file} not found. Exiting..." exit 1 fi done i=0 while [ -f ${OUTFILE} ]; do if [ $i -eq 0 ]; then OUTFILE=${OUTFILE}_00 fi i=$((i+1)) echo "${OUTFILE} exists. Saving results to ${OUTFILE}_$(printf '%02d' $i)" OUTFILE=${OUTFILE%??}$(printf '%02d' $i) done # ====== make directories ===================================================== mkdir -p ${SCRATCHDIR} mkdir -p ${OUTDIR} # ====== interpolation methods, grid types, and file types ==================== # set these individually for each variable in the namelists below CONS=2 #conservative RBF=3 #radial basis funcion NN=4 #nearest neighbour intp_method=3 GLOBREG=1 ICONTRI=2 LOCREG=3 GRIB=2 NC2=4 NC4=5 # ====== remap constant HHL field ============================================= echo "Processing ${INFILE_COSMO}." cat > ${SCRATCHDIR}/remap_init_HHL_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nml << EOF ! REMAPPING NAMELIST FILE ! &remap_nml in_grid_filename = "${INFILE_COSMO}" in_filename = "${INFILE_COSMO}" in_type = ${LOCREG} ! out_grid_filename = "${OUTGRIDFILE}" out_filename = "${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_HHL_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc" out_type = ${ICONTRI} ! out_filetype = ${NC4} !use NetCDF Classic because ncrename does not work with NetCDF 4 / ! DEFINITION FOR INPUT DATA FIELD ! &input_field_nml inputname = "HHL" outputname = "HHL" intp_method = ${RBF} / EOF ${srun} ${BINDIR}/iconremap_mpi --remap_nml ${SCRATCHDIR}/remap_init_HHL_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nml # Rename variable and dimensions according to ICON definition #ncrename -d height,lev_2 -v height,lev_2 "${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_HHL_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc" #ncrename -d height,lev_3 -v height,lev_3 "${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_HHL_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc" # Add to outputfile #ncks -A -v HHL ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_HHL_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc ${OUTFILE} # ====== remap COSMO-DE fields ================================================ # Exclude U and V wind components because of different coordinates, # which are a problem for the dwdtools UVARS=U,AUMFL_S,srlon,slonu,slatu VVARS=V,AVMFL_S,srlat,slonv,slatv ncks -O -x -v ${UVARS},${VVARS} ${INFILE_COSMO} ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_xUV_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc echo "Processing ${INFILE_COSMO}." echo "Processing ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_xUV_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc." cat > ${SCRATCHDIR}/remap_init_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nml << EOF ! REMAPPING NAMELIST FILE ! &remap_nml in_grid_filename = "${INFILE_COSMO}" in_filename = "${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_xUV_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc" in_type = ${LOCREG} ! out_grid_filename = "${OUTGRIDFILE}" out_filename = "${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_xUV_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc" out_type = ${ICONTRI} ! out_filetype = ${NC4} / ! DEFINITION FOR INPUT DATA FIELD ! &input_field_nml inputname = "T" outputname = "T" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml inputname = "QC" outputname = "QC" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml inputname = "W" outputname = "W" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! geopotential inputname = "QR" outputname = "QR" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! geopotential inputname = "QS" outputname = "QS" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! geopotential inputname = "QV" outputname = "QV" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! geopotential inputname = "QI" outputname = "QI" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! geopotential inputname = "PS" outputname = "PS" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! geopotential inputname = "P" outputname = "P" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! ist FIS inputname = "FIS" outputname = "GEOSP" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! Plant Canopy Surface Water inputname = "W_I" outputname = "w_i" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! Snow depth water equivalent inputname = "W_SNOW" outputname = "w_snow" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! horiz. wind comp. v inputname = "T_G" outputname = "t_g" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! vertical velocity inputname = "T_SNOW" outputname = "t_snow" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! surface pressure inputname = "T_ICE" outputname = "t_ice" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! geopotential inputname = "QV_S" outputname = "qv_s" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! geopotential inputname = "H_SNOW" outputname = "h_snow" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! geopotential inputname = "H_ICE" outputname = "h_ice" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! geopotential inputname = "FRESHSNW" outputname = "freshsnow" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! geopotential inputname = "Z0" outputname = "gz0" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! soil ice content (multilayers) inputname = "W_SO_ICE" outputname = "w_so_ice" intp_method = ${intp_method} / &input_field_nml ! Column-integrated Soil Moisture (multilayers) inputname = "SMI" outputname = "smi" intp_method = 4 / &input_field_nml ! Soil Temperature (multilayers) inputname = "T_SO" outputname = "t_so" intp_method = 4 / &input_field_nml ! geopotential inputname = "RHO_SNOW" outputname = "rho_snow" intp_method = ${intp_method} / EOF ${srun} ${BINDIR}/iconremap_mpi --remap_nml ${SCRATCHDIR}/remap_init_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nml ### copy .nc4 to .nc2 #cdo -f nc2 copy ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_xUV_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc4 ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_xUV_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc #Error (cdf_enddef) : NetCDF: One or more variable sizes violate format constraints #Error (cdf_close) : NetCDF: HDF error # Rename variable and dimensions according to ICON definition #ncrename -d height,lev -d height_2,lev_2 -v height,lev -v height_2,lev_2 ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_xUV_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc # Add to outputfile #ncks -A -v T,W,P,PS,GEOSP,QV,QC,QI,QR,QS,w_i,w_snow,t_g,t_snow,t_ice,qv_s,h_snow,h_ice,freshsnow,gz0,w_so_ice,smi,t_so,rho_snow ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_xUV_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc ${OUTFILE} ##ncks -A -v height,height_2 ${INFILE_COSMO} ${OUTFILE} # ====== remap extracted wind fields from COSMO file ========================== # remapping the U and V wind fields with the other fields does not work because # the DWD ICON Tools cannot handle multiple horizontal grids in one file for var in U V; do ncks -O -v ${var} ${INFILE_COSMO} ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_${var}_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc echo "Processing ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_${var}_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc." cat > ${SCRATCHDIR}/remap_init_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nml << EOF ! REMAPPING NAMELIST FILE ! &remap_nml in_grid_filename = "${INFILE_COSMO}" in_filename = "${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_${var}_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc" in_type = ${LOCREG} ! out_grid_filename = "${OUTGRIDFILE}" out_filename = "${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_${var}_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc" out_type = ${ICONTRI} ! out_filetype = ${NC4} / ! DEFINITION FOR INPUT DATA FIELD &input_field_nml inputname = "${var}" outputname = "${var}" intp_method = ${RBF} / EOF ${srun} ${BINDIR}/iconremap_mpi --remap_nml ${SCRATCHDIR}/remap_init_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nml # Rename variable and dimensions according to ICON definition # ncrename -d height,lev -v height,lev ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_${var}_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc # Add to outputfile #ncks -A -v ${var} ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_${var}_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc ${OUTFILE} done # ====== Merge ========================== cdo -P 16 -O merge ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_xUV_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_[UV]_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc ${SCRATCHDIR}/lffd_remap_HHL_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.nc ${OUTFILE} cdo sinfov ${OUTFILE} # Average over bnds dimension, to delete this unused dimension ncwa -O -a bnds -d bnds,1,1 ${OUTFILE} ${OUTFILE} cdo sinfov ${OUTFILE} pwd