Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksExport to PDFBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Sapphire ====== This page gives a short overview of selected experiments conducted with climate models runs with grid spacings at km scales. **Note that the volume of data is very large for this kind of simulations. Users should only copy to the workspace/scratch the variables they really need for their analysis.** ==== 1. DYAMOND ==== DYAMOND stands for The DYnamics of the Atmospheric general circulation Modeled On Non-hydrostatic Domains, and it was the first ever intercomparison of global-storm-resolving models. In the DYAMOND summer intercomparison, nine models participated, run for 40 days (1.8-10.9.2016), with a great number of simulations performed with ICON (NWP version). A general overview of DYAMOND summer is given in Stevens et al. 2020 [[ | doi]] and a more specific presentation of the ICON results in Hohenegger et al. 2020 [[ | doi]]. A follow-up intercomparison, DYAMOND winter, was then initiated, where the models were run for 20.1-1.3.2020. Some of the models were run coupled to an ocean. More technical information on the participating models can also be found on the ESiWACE DYAMOND ([[ | website]]). === Accessing output === Where to find the model output and how to access it on levante (DKRZ) is described on the easygems webpage: [[]] ==== 2. NextGEMS simulations ==== NextGEMS simulations are global coupled simulations conducted with the ICON and IFS models with a grid spacing finer than 10 km over multi years. The ICON version is documented in Hohenegger et al. (2023) [[ | doi ]] and the IFS version in Rackow et al. (2024) [[ | doi ]]. The simulations are conducted as part of the [[ | NextGEMS]] project. Following development cycles, different simulations, with various grid spacings and for various integration periods have been performed. An overview of the conducted simulations is given on the easygems webpage: [[]] === Accessing output === Where to find the output and how to access it is described on the easygems webpage: [[]] ==== 3. EERIE simulations ==== Like the NextGEMS simulations, EERIE simulations are also conducted with the ICON and IFS models, run globally with atmosphere-land-ocean coupled. They are conducted as part of the [[ | EERIE]] project. The difference between NextGEMS and EERIE is that NextGEMS targets to simulate the climate for 30 years (2020-2050) at a grid spacing of ~ 5km both in the atmosphere and ocean, whereas EERIE targets centennial simulations with a grid spacing of 10 km in the atmosphere and 5 km in the ocean. As in NextGEMS, following development cycles, various simulations are conducted. A list of the conducted experiments is given on the easygems webpage: [[]]. === Accessing output === Where to find the output and how to access it is described on the easygems webpage: [[ ]] ==== 4. ICON-LEM simulations over Germany ===== As part of the ([[ | HD(CP)2]]) project, simulations with the ICON Large-Eddy Model (NWP version) have been performed over Germany with grid spacings of 625, 312 and 156 m for selected days. The ICON-LEM code is documented in Dipankar et al. 2015 [[ | doi]] and overview of the simulations are given in Riecke et al. 2017 [[ | doi]] and Stevens et al. 2020 [[ | doi]]. === Accessing output === Full output is saved on the DKRZ tape archive: <code> /arch/bm0834/k203095/ICON_LEM_DE </code> ==== 5. NARVAL simulations ==== As a support to the NARVAL two field campaigns, ICON simulations (NWP version) have been performed over the tropical Atlantic. Storm-resolving simulations with a grid spacing of 2.5 km over the whole tropical Atlantic basin with a local grid refinement of 1.25 km over the western basin have been performed for December 2013 (NARVAL) and August 2016 (NARVALII). Those simulations are documented in Klocke et al. 2017 [[ | doi]]. Large-eddy simulations with a grid spacing of 1250, 600, 300 and 150 m have been performed over the western Atlantic for selected days and are documented in Stevens et al. 2019 [[ | doi]]. === Accessing output === Output of the storm-resolving simulations is saved for the two field campaigns NARVAL and NARVALII on the DKRZ tape archive: <code> /arch/bm0834/k203095/HErZ-NARVAL /arch/bm0834/k203095/HErZ-NARVALII </code> Output of the large-eddy simulations is saved on the DKRZ tape archive: <code> /arch/bm0834/k203095/HDCP2_TA </code>