#! /bin/bash # # Adapted version of xce_remap_inidata for Mistral # Created by Guido Cioni (guido.cioni@mpimet.mpg.de) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #SBATCH --account=bm0682 #SBATCH --job-name=inidata.run #SBATCH --partition=compute2 #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --threads-per-core=2 #SBATCH --output=LOG.inidata.run.%j.o #SBATCH --error=LOG.inidata.run.%j.o #SBATCH --exclusive #SBATCH --time=00:30:00 #============================================================================= set -x #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # openmp environment variables # ---------------------------- export OMP_NUM_THREADS=6 # 6 on compute2 export ICON_THREADS=6 # 6 on compute2 export OMP_SCHEDULE=dynamic,1 export OMP_DYNAMIC="false" export OMP_STACKSIZE=4096M export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/sw/rhel6-x64/netcdf/netcdf_fortran-4.4.3-gcc62/lib/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/sw/rhel6-x64/netcdf/netcdf_c- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/sw/rhel6-x64/hdf5/hdf5-1.8.14-gcc48/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/sw/rhel6-x64/grib_api/grib_api-1.15.0-gcc48/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/sw/rhel6-x64/eccodes/eccodes-2.5.0-gcc48/lib/ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MPI variables # ---------------------------- mpi_root=/sw/rhel6-x64/intel/impi/ no_of_nodes=${SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES:-1} mpi_procs_pernode=6 # 6 or 12 (hyperthreading) on compute2 mpi_total_procs=$((no_of_nodes * mpi_procs_pernode)) START="srun --kill-on-bad-exit=1 --nodes=${SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES:-1} --ntasks-per-node=${mpi_procs_pernode}" # load modules module purge module load intel gcc module list ulimit -s unlimited # SETTINGS: DIRECTORIES AND INPUT/OUTPUT FILE NAMES -------------------------- # directory containing DWD icon tools binaries ICONTOOLS_DIR=/work/mh0731/m300382/dwd_icon_tools_git/icontools # file name of input grid INGRID=/work/mh0731/m300382/mesovortices/data/ifs_oper_T1279_2014022400.grb # file name of limited-area (output) grid LOCALGRID=/work/mh0731/m300382/mesovortices/grid_NA_2492m.nc # directory containing data files which shall be mapped to limited-area grid DATADIR=/work/mh0731/m300382/mesovortices/data/ DATAFILELIST=$(find ${DATADIR}/ifs_oper_T1279_2014022400.grb.nc) # output directory for extracted boundary data OUTDIR=/work/mh0731/m300382/mesovortices/ mkdir -p $OUTDIR #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BINARY_ICONSUB=iconsub_mpi BINARY_REMAP=iconremap_mpi AUXGRID=auxgrid #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remap inital data onto local (limited-area) grid #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd ${OUTDIR} set +x cat >> NAMELIST_ICONREMAP_FIELDS << EOF_2A &input_field_nml inputname = "u" outputname = "U" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "v" outputname = "V" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "w" outputname = "W" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "t" outputname = "T" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "q" outputname = "QV" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "clwc" outputname = "QC" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "ciwc" outputname = "QI" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "crwc" outputname = "QR" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "cswc" outputname = "QS" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "z_2" outputname = "GEOP_SFC" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "z" outputname = "GEOP_ML" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "tsn" outputname = "T_SNOW" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "sd" outputname = "W_SNOW" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "rsn" outputname = "RHO_SNOW" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "asn" outputname = "ALB_SNOW" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "skt" outputname = "SKT" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "sst" outputname = "SST" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "stl1" outputname = "STL1" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "stl2" outputname = "STL2" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "stl3" outputname = "STL3" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "stl4" outputname = "STL4" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "swvl1" outputname = "SMIL1" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "swvl2" outputname = "SMIL2" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "swvl3" outputname = "SMIL3" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "swvl4" outputname = "SMIL4" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "ci" outputname = "CI" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "src" outputname = "W_I" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "SR" outputname = "Z0" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "lsm" outputname = "LSM" intp_method = 3 / &input_field_nml inputname = "lnsp" outputname = "LNPS" intp_method = 3 / EOF_2A set -x cat NAMELIST_ICONREMAP_FIELDS #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # loop over file list: echo ${DATAFILELIST} for datafilename in ${DATAFILELIST} ; do datafile="${datafilename##*/}" # get filename without path outdatafile=${datafile%.*} # get filename without suffix cat > NAMELIST_ICONREMAP << EOF_2B &remap_nml in_grid_filename = '${INGRID}' in_filename = '${DATADIR}/${datafile}' in_type = 1 out_grid_filename = '${LOCALGRID}' out_filename = '${OUTDIR}/${outdatafile}.nc' out_type = 2 out_filetype = 5 l_have3dbuffer = .false. ncstorage_file = "ncstorage.tmp" / EOF_2B ${START} ${ICONTOOLS_DIR}/${BINARY_REMAP} \ --remap_nml NAMELIST_ICONREMAP \ --input_field_nml NAMELIST_ICONREMAP_FIELDS 2>&1 done #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # clean-up rm -f ncstorage.tmp* rm -f nml.log NAMELIST_SUB NAMELIST_ICONREMAP NAMELIST_ICONREMAP_FIELDS #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- exit #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------