MPI-Met Wiki

Tips & tricks for working with our models.

Observational data and analysis

Reanalysis Data
Introduction of atmospheric reanalysis data and the access method.

Tips & tricks for working with model output and observational data.

Facility Management / Haustechnik
Report Issues with the Building.
(Login needed)

Information about Hamburg for visitors & newcomers. (Login needed)

Local IT Environment
Information related to generic hard/software tools & Help Desk.
(Login needed)

An exchange platform maintained by the doctoral students. (Login needed)

An exchange platform for departments and other groups within the institute.
(Login needed)

This is the main documentation Wiki of the MPI-M. Here we try to manage the information that we think is useful to share, and which is not too onerous to keep up to date. The Wiki is organized around the namespaces listed above, with each curated by the person(s) listed at the end of the page one arrives at when clicking on one of the categories. For most of the managed name-spaces a Potpourri section is left open as a place for anyone to add to the documentation.

The first step to go should be to change your initial password – see Changing your login password.

A general guideline which tool to use is given in Communication and Documentation. Resources for remote work are collected on Remote working - best practices.

In case of questions or problems please contact the Helpdesk.

Please note that questions regarding the DKRZ systems (e.g. Levante or data archive) will be answered by DKRZ Documentation Portal or the DKRZ user support.

And last but not least: we have a section about some of the things related to Living in Hamburg: Moin! 8-)